Speculative Loading and Debugging

See the above picture. This is a capture of VisualDSP++ during the debugging of TOPPERS/JSP interrupt handler, entry part. I got following message when I reach here by step execution.

Dag0 Prot Violation !32 bit access

You can see DAG0 cause a protection violation. It seems 32 bit access related one. I checked my program carefully, but it seems there is no problem. What's the matter??
The mechanism is confusing. This protection violation message is triggered by the instruction which is not executed yet. The instruction is 3 step ahead. That instruction loads a half word from IPEND MMR register. But IPEND is 32 bit long. This mis-match causes protection violation. The question is why we have received a message from future.
This is because of the speculative loading of the BLACKfin architecture. BLACKfin loads data at the middle of pipeline to avoid the stalling by latency of load instruction. In other hand, conditional jump may cancel the execution of load instruction in the pipe. To solve this problem, actual effect of the load instruction appears only when the instruction reach the execution stage. This mechanism is caused as speculative loading.
As result of the speculative loading, the violation causes before the execution of instruction. The message tells this to you. At this stage, violation had happened but the load instruction itself has not yet executed because BLACKfin doesn't know if it is surely executed. Then, exception is also deferred until the real execution of the load instruction.
This message is very much confusing during the step execution. Be careful.